Friday, October 17, 2008

Open Up U'r MIND, A Story

toDay, I'd like to start by telling you an interesting yet very moral story. Long ago, there was great scholar living in China. He was famous for his wisdoms and thoughts. He had many students. One day a young fellow came to him and asked for permission to stay with him to learn from some of his great thoughts. The scholar agreed upon his enthusiasm.

One year had past but the young student found that he had learnt nothing from the scholar. He waited for another one year but still the knowledge was not coming to him. One morning he got very impatient and angry and went strait to the scholar and asked that why he didn't learn anything. The scholar looked into his face, smiled and asked him to pour some coffee into the cup in front of him. The student started to pour coffee into the cup and stopped when it was almost full.

The scholar asked him why he stopped? The student replied that if he droped any more coffee into the cup it would be overflowed. The scholar smiled again and said observe the situation carefully. He said, "if the cup is full it is not possible to fill it up with any more coffee. When you came here to learn wisdom, you came with a heart full of your thoughts and ideas and kept it that way for so long. That is why you haven't learnt a single thing. Open up your mind and let the knowledge come to you; only then you will be able to receive wisdom".

I heard this story arond 5 years back in a seminar. I believe a future thinker should not be so up-tight with his or her limited knowledge and should welcome any source of information. Some times you need to see beyond your own judgment and rationallity and believe in what your are dreaming about the future...

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