Friday, September 19, 2008

Ethnography ^_^ ?

Sorry folks, interesting lecture was just made difficult to understand...

It might be my fault. Couldn’t actually find much interest on it. My body was there in the class but I was somewhere else. Yeah, I somehow found this lecture difficult to understand when I sort of tried to get The Ethno Way - Using Ethnography to make insights”. To me, Katarina could have made it more easier while keeeping her focus on the topic.

However couple of good stuffs were took place; for instance, it was good to analyze the trends passing through various subgroups. It is revealed from the analysis that any subgroup can actually create a new trend. One example came as there is this subgroup who only use Internet for one application. It is a community thing. They don’t even know how to browse other websites properly. This group doesn’t believe any one outside the community and most of the time when they are not using internet, the feel bored.

Brand Marketers aim to receive digital expertise from their advertising and marketing agencies: Sapient recently sponsored a national online survey polled more than 200 chief marketing officers (CMOs).

Two points can be derived out of this survey:I. Traditional advertising agencies are now at risk of losing their clients.II. Agencies should acquire Social Media expertise.
more at is portal where you can get professional observations of trends and their prospect related to marketing, Web and technology by two experts in market research, product and strategy development. I would suggest this website if you want to keep yourself updated on trends in these areas specially marketing research.

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