Friday, September 5, 2008

first theory lecture - DJ of ideas

I liked couple of things in our last class. I kinda agree with what Magnus said about The Future is a story of where we think/ hope/believe we are heading. Because we make the future. The control is in our hand. If we think and believe in a better future and work towards that, a better world will be for us in the near future.

But the most dashing thing in the class was “Be a DJ of Ideas” – totally cool. Magnus innovatively came with this beautiful quote. You let ideas come into your brain then you sort of play around with your ideas, establish the connection among them, make a new one or make something else.

There are several tips given in the lecture which I would like to include here for my readers who might miss those if I don't include. It is about how to trendspot:

Tip #1 Look back at least as far as you’re trying to look forward
(I.e. 10-15 year predictions into the future should start somewhere around 1995)
Tip #2 Don’t be afraid of uncomfortable ideas
(Truly revolutionizing new ideas should, at first, provoke)
Tip #3 Accept contradictions!
(For every movement a counter-movement)
Tip #4 Trust your instincts, but don’t follow them blindly!
(You can shape the future but you are not alone in doing so)
Tip #5 Dare to change your mind (preferably often)!
(Hard, messy and uncomfortable - yes! But you will be on the path to genius)
Tip #6 Challenge everything! (Today’s truths and facts are tomorrow’s lies and superstitions)

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